Custom UI Interface to increase subscriptions for a stock platform

brand overview

Motilal Oswal is an Indian financial services company established in 1987 that offers a range of services and products which enable financial literacy and independence amongst the Indian population.

Teji Mandi is their very own SEBI-registered stock investment platform, built in order to simplify stock market investing for new and seasoned investors alike, with their custom curated stock portfolio and advisory services.

the Challenges

The stock platform’s operation model and offerings were not being presented to the target audience in an easy-to-understand way.

Lack of clarity for the audience over the operational model also resulted in consequently less conversions.

There was also inconsistency in brand design across different mediums since the brand did not yet have a set design language.

the approach

We did a thorough market research to understand what appealed the most to audiences interested in the FinTech sector, and accordingly explored a design language to appeal to the target audience.

Discussions with the internal team at Teji Mandi helped us gain first-hand insights into where the ‘lacks’ existed and what business pain-points had to be resolved through design.

We identified and revamped the underperforming touchpoints, by introducing fresh and comprehensive design and communication guidelines for the brand.

We designed a custom UI and crafted an interface that produced an immersive and informative customer experience.


tejimandi 4

the impact

Saw a significant growth in website traffic and conversion rates

Enhanced the design communication and conversation tonality of the brand across all digital platforms.

The long barrow was built on land previously inhabited in the Mesolithic period. It consisted of a sub-rectangular earthen tumulus, estimated to have been 15 metres (50 feet) in length, with a chamber built from sarsen megaliths on its eastern end. Both inhumed and cremated human remains were placed within this chamber during the Neolithic period, representing at least nine or ten individuals.

Khadija Abidin

founder at darwinbox

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